Designing timeless homes since 1973

Building Graphics Architecture, a full service architecture firm, has been at the forefront of architectural design for over thirty years. Receiving countless local and national awards Building Graphics has proven itself to be one of the nation's top residential architecture firms.

Since 1973, Building Graphics has undertaken a wide variety of architectural projects; designing custom homes for individuals, builders and developers. You can find Building Graphics' Homes all over the country. Their sister company Living Concepts Home Planning, offers ready-to-build home plans designed by Building Graphics through home plan magazines and their website livingconcepts.com, Visit them today or check our contact page for Building Graphics contact information
For any inquiries please call: 704-542-1498 or fill out the following form
7400 Carmel Executive Park Dr.
Suite 150
Charlotte, NC 28226
Tel: 704-542-1498
Fax: 704-542-1499